Comprehensive Planning
We work with a diverse group of planners, architects, engineers and civic leaders to streamline the complex process of creating a shared vision and action plan for the future of their communities.
Learn more about our Planning & Design work below through our featured projects list & project snapshot section.
Featured Projects
- Engage Des Pres
- Downtown Las Vegas Master Plan
- Port for All
- 23rd Avenue Corridor
- APA Design Workshop Assessment
- Community Design Guidelines
- Hammarby Sjostad Project Charrette UC Davis
- Imagine Humboldt Comprehensive Plan
- Loma Rica Ranch Landscape Master Plan
- Nevada County Mixed Use & Infill Study
- Plan for Prosperity
- Railyard APA Workshop
- Tahoe Place-Based Planning
- Vision Plan Kickoff
- West Anaheim Specific Plan
Project Snapshots
Engage Des Peres

Downtown Las Vegas Master Plan

23rd Avenue Corridor

Imagine Humboldt

Port 4 All

Tahoe Place-Based Planning

West Anaheim Specific Plan